Maxi Health Foundations
Get Your Healthy Foundations and Save $Big
Wellness Club Members save $More!Dr. Myatt saves you money while helping you to stay healthy! Our Maxi Health Foundations Bundle of Maxi Multi, Maxi Greens, and Maxi Marine O-3 gives you the basics you need at a price you can afford.
Are YOU getting your Foundation supplements each day?
READ MORE ...Bringing You A Synergy Of Conventional and Natural Approaches To Infertility Treatment
Fertility Restore is a collaborative project of Dr. Jeffrey Braverman, Reproductive Immunologist and Medical Director of Braverman Immunologic and Reproductive Medical Services and Dr. Dana Myatt
READ MORE ...Got A Question?
Get your question answered in a Brief Phone Consultation with Dr. Myatt
Confused by all the wild health claims on the internet? Worried about the conflicting health advice from friends, doctors, family? Unsure of the best way to approach a health problem? Sometimes all it takes is a quick conversation with Dr. Myatt to clear up your uncertainties and get you on a path to health. Learn about diet, hormones, cardiovascular health, diabetes, and much more from an expert.
READ MORE ...Enjoy Healthy Hormone Balance At Any Age – Naturally!
What are your options for healthy hormones?
Dr. Myatt uses her years of clinincal experience to help patients achieve and maintain healthy hormone levels with bio-identical hormone replacement.
Learn more about Dr. Myatt’s BioIdentical Hormone Program
Pet Health
Pets are People Too! Alternative Medicines for Pet Health
READ MORE ...Macular Degeneration
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease that gradually destroys sharp, central vision. Central vision is needed for seeing objects clearly and for common daily tasks such as reading and driving. AMD affects the macula, the part of the eye that allows you to see fine detail. AMD causes no pain. […]
Find Information on Potassium Iodide For Radiation Protection Here -> IODINE
Iodine – The Missing Mineral for Thyroid, Heart, Immune and Cancer Protection
What’s Burning You?
The REAL Cause of Heartburn, Indigestion and GERD and “Sour Stomach”
READ MORE ...Black Salve Kits
Dr. Myatt recommends Best on Earth. She reports: “I haven’t used their black salve but it’s got all the right ingredients and looks like it should work. They also have “after care” salve, AKA “healing salve.” They do NOT carry a drawing salve. I have used their non-toxic sunscreen and I love it! It’s light, […]

Diabetes (Adult Type II)
Reverse Adult-Onset Diabetes with diet and alternative medicines.
Design Your Own Optimal Health / Anti-Aging Supplement Program
Design Your Own Optimal Health / Anti-Aging Supplement Program

Mood Disorder
Relaxation Station Cure anxiety, stress and depression with alternative medicines.
Vitamins and Mineral Supplements
An overview of vitamins, minerals, and accessory nutrients for health.
PLUS: what multiple vitamin supplement is best for you?

Women’s Health
Women’s Health Alternative medicines and herbs for menopause and female hormone balance.